Yogyakarta State University Sport Center

Yogyakarta State University Sport Science Faculty (FIK UNY) has a long life journey. If equated with humans, FIK UNY has entered middle age. Starting from the formation of the Academy of Physical Education (PPE) which later became the Yogyakarta Sports School (STO) until finally FIK UNY was established on October 1, 1951. During that time, FIK UNY had experienced many developments, one of which was in the Technical Implementation Unit of the activity within the FIK UNY. The Technical Implementation Unit activities in the FIK UNY are Learning Media Lab, Lab. Therapy and Rehabilitation, Lab. Anatomy, Lab. Measurement Test, Lab. Physiology, Lab. Physical Condition, Lab. Histology, Sports Achievement Lab, Swimming Pool, Sports Hall, Smart Sport, Fitness Center, Sports House, Library, Tennis Court.

In order to support the needs of FIK (Faculty of Sports Science), UNY (Yogyakarta State University) carried out the construction of the Sport Center. The Sport Center consists of several facilities including:

  1. Softball Field
  2. Sport Arena
  3. Outdoor Tennis Court
  4. Audience Stand
  5. Badminton Hall

The Concept shown follows in the existing building. Planning several sports facilities refers to existing standards.

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Planning and Design Consultant


Number of Story
3 Building + 2 Courts

Total Area
15.000 m2


Agung Rudianto, IAI

Anji Pranandhita, S. Ars.

Cost Estimation

$15 m – $20 m

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