Traditional markets are one form of market where the transaction processes are still carried out traditionally, sellers and buyers fulfill to bargain the price of an item / service. So, traditional markets have an important role in society. To maintain the traditional market position so that it can still compete with modern markets, traditional markets must improve the quality of various managerial aspects, from planning to supervision.

Purworejo Market is located on Jl. Kyai Brengkel No.33-12, Purworejo, Kec. Purworejo, Purworejo Regency. This market is designed with a simple and efficient form. The roof and wall designs with many natural ventilations. Thus, referring to the provisions of a healthy market, market development can later be planned carefully so that the planning can be an ideal development guide, clean, comfortable and safe.

This building consists of 3 areas, namely:

  1. East Market
  2. Western markets
  3. Wet Market

 Purworejo Market is designed in such a way as to meet the needs of visitors, traders and fulfill the needs of the concepts conveyed by the Purworejo Regency government.

Purworejo Market

Planning and Design Consultant


Detailed Building
Public Area

Total Area
4016 m2


Dr. Ir. Revianto Budi Santosa, M. Arch

Agung Rudianto, IAI

Cost Estimation

$15 m

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