Regional General Hospital Nyi Ageng Serang (RSUD NAS) which is located in the village of Banguncipto, Sentolo region is officially opened at the same day as the National Health Day, Wednesday (12/11/2014). This hospital is the only state medical facility in Kulon Progo which has two woman obsgyn specialists. The high standard service of the type D hospital is possible with the collaboration with Central General Hospital Dr. Sardjito (RSUP Dr. Sardjito) such as orthopedy, cataract center, growth and development center, mental health service, etc.
The construction planning of the RSUD NAS is done in phases, namely:
The concept proposed on the design is using basic concept which refers to the regulations of hospital construction. Furthermore, the building shape is following the existing buildings. Each of the buildings is implemented with a corridor as a connector between each building.
Kulon Progo Goverment Council
Planning and Design Consultant
Detailed Building
Total Area
14.184 m2
Agung Rudianto, IAI
Okky Prasetyajati, S. Ars.
Cost Estimation
$10 m – $12 m